Yeah, yeah…the grass is always greener on the other side! Minutes ago, I envy a girl because her BF sang her a goodnight song. I envy her….I always want a BF who sing me a goodnight song. Why? I don’t know! I just think it’s very sweet. I love sweets, candies, chocolates, ice cream, BF who sings goodnight song, hehehe. Do you think I didn’t ask mine to sing? It’s like million times and he always refuse my command, I mean my request. He likes humming on motorcycle or during measure some frogs in laboratory (yeah, my BF really does that measurement not only frogs but also lizards and snake) but when I ask him to sing for me, he refuse! Why,honey, why??????
But then, I looked back for all these years with him.
He gave me a blue feather that he found in forest
He pick me up anywhere i need and motorcycling me home
He took me to waterfall with a lot of my favorite flower along the way
He gave a bouquet of white lily in my graduation day
He never complain that i often leave my wallet or my cellphone at home
He never angry to me
He laughs with me
He never says i'm fat, nyahahahaha
He always send me a goodnight text
He always has some good advices
Well, he always there for me, always there for me. So why did i envy you, girl who has her BF sang a goodnight song???!!!!
No more envious!
Thank you Akang,eh,Alhamdulillah.....
7 komentar:
i glad to read that..
iyah saya juga lega, apalagi andri, wahahahahaha....
rumput tetangga emang lebih hijau... kamu buat rumput kamu biru aja cha,, jadi ga ngiri lagi... tapi ntar ga bisa fotosintesis yak??? naon sih,,,,
yampun adis, kamu sudah bisa ngegaring!!!sembuh, sembuh, sembuh!!!!cup cup muah!
sudahlah saya akan membiarkan si rumput tetangga lebih hijau, tak apa, asal jangan ngerusak punya saya ajah...
eyaaaa.. adis panas tuh.. panas.. panas..
aku jadi ngiri sama kamu :D :D :D
eh, wida, jangan dong, inti dari tulisan ini kan adalah kita ga boleh ngiri, hus, hus, pergi kamu iri....
sekalian eikeh link ya blog kamuh...
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