28 Mei 2011

Keluarga Ridho

Ridho mungil duduk di depan kelas, asyik dengan crayon dan kertas yang diberikan Bu Guru. Beberapa anak kelas satu yang lain mengacuhkan crayon dan kertasnya, mereka malah menangis mencari ibunya. Ridho sudah lama tidak pernah menangis, sejak Mama sering meninggalkannya di rumah tetangga, sejak Bapak pergi tanpa lagi pulang.
Hari ini Ridho tidak mau ditinggal di rumah tetangganya yang selalu mengomel, menyalahkan Mama karena kawin dengan Bapak. Hari ini Ridho ingin main saja di rumah karib barunya, hingga Mama menjemput.
Ridho senang bermain di rumah mewah dengan mainan melimpah. Disambut pula ia oleh Tante dan Kakak baik hati. Sampai Ridho bingung melihat foto karibnya yang digendong lelaki yang sedang tertawa bahagia.
“Itu siapa?”Ridho bertanya pada karibnya.
“Itu aku dengan Ayah,” jawab sang karib.
“kok Bapak kita sama?”

21 Mei 2011

The Sign

Somebody told the world that today is a dooms day, and some Russian put that prediction on billboard, it's huge!!!!!!

Anyway, i wont type anything related to the sign of dooms day, instead i would like to share you, clueless teenager, the sign that somebody has crush on you, hohohohoho. I know it's too late, since i'm 24 now,but...the soul of Princess Genovia just enter my body, so i'm young again,yay!!! Well, i reccently read some novels from Princess Diary series and this sign thing cought my eyes.

The important sign is-as Princess Amelia of Genovia wrote on her diary and based on my experience- that everytime he laughs he always look at you just to make sure that you laugh too

Ohhh.....that's so true!!! My baba still does it until now, he always look at me everytime he tells funny story or laughs, how cute.....!!!

So, teenagers, i hope you wont be clueless after read my post. I wish you a very good luck for your love live!

01 Mei 2011

The Risk

You maybe familiar with this wise line
The one who will be succsessfull is the one who has courage to face the risk
Well, guess what, instead of facing the risk,i was crying over it. It was the moment when my mother's hugs and "hush, dont cry" touch didnt work. It was my mom's hugs that cure me from high school heart broken or when i was so frustrated with collage tests. This time, the magical hugs has no charmed in it.

I thougt i was an easy going person who lived my life like dirftwood in a river, "que sera, sera!" was my favourite quote. Now, i can't say that quote, because i 'm not ready of "whatever", i want some acceptable possibilities. I dislike the possibilities ahead.well, I fear the possibilities,and it broke my tears...

It was the risk i couldnt face

It was all about money




it's called soft loan, but i dont think it's as soft as it's sound.

After the talk and the mind storming, i'll try to face the risk!!!I've walked too long to just turn my way and i know my beloved ones will support me. So in the end, the magical hugs and beloved ones that encourage me to walk hand in hand with the risk.

So, take it, every one, the risk that will ride you to the life you've dreamed